10 Rules of Autograph Etiquette

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

33 Responses

  1. JT says:

    Another rule good for Milb baseball. Only get 9 cards done at a time, don’t get the player until they have signed all 100 of your cards.

  2. David Seow says:

    Great website. Great tips for new collectors and old ones too. I agree about being polite and approaching them at the right time. Totally agree with your points about when they are eating and when they are with their family members.

  3. Tom Owens says:

    This is a great service, Matt! Years ago, I saw a baseball player named Jerry DaVanon signing at an exhibition game in Iowa. “Not in my face!” Since then, I’ve had other non-signing athletes say, “I can never look up when signing autographs. It’s always, ‘Here. Sign this.'” While it’s not specific, I’d add: BE A PERSON.

  4. Jm says:

    Man you are the man for doing this site!

    I love your tips

  5. Brody says:

    Great tips matt! When I first started collecting I broke rule #1 by trying to get Albert pujols when his wife and kids were in the car, somehow he stopped and we all got his autograph mainly because one of the guys in line was was Dominican and was talking to him while he was walking to his car!

  6. Chuck says:

    Great list. I have a question though, been searching forums for about an hour now with no luck. What is proper etiquette when getting a jersey signed by multiple players? I have a couple pittsburgh penguins jerseys, one is a Fleury (signed). Would it be bad to ask other pens to sign it, or should I just buy a “blank” jersey to start collecting multiples on?

    Another possible option I would like an opinion on: I already own a blank jersey of one of the Penguins ECHL farm teams (Nailers). Do you think Pens players would sign that one over another Pens player’s jersey? Or not at all?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Chuck, thanks for the question. I see no issue starting a team signed item on one of the star player’s jerseys. I’d stick with the Pens jersey over a minor league team – one reason being many of the players were never on the team.

  7. Anthony Gargano says:

    My question is this: I recently contacted an NHL team about getting an autograph from a former player who is now in a management position with the organization. They emailed me back and told me it would be no problem, and that he would sign the jersey I have if I FedEx it to them with a return label. My question though is this: do I need to ask the player to sign the back if it is HIS jersey, or do they automatically do so if it is a personalized jersey that they are signing? I thought about requesting it in the letter I included, but thought that it might sound rude….especially if he would already know to do so. Thanks…

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Awesome opportunity! I ASSUME the former player would sign on a back number but to be safe you could do this (of course, send an awesome fan letter and thank him and the person you spoke with for doing this for you):

      – Fold the jersey around a piece of foamboard or another hard, smooth surface (no corrugated cardboard) and secure it with a safety pin or rubber bands. Then, when he pulls the jersey out of your package it will not only be compact and easy to handle, but the only option is to sign the back number.

  8. Joe Sandoval says:

    Thanks for the tips! Being polite to the player/celebrity should always be #1; I was at one game where Ichiro was signing and the guy in front of us started cursing him out just because he wouldn’t sign the “Sweet-Spot” of his ball; Luckily Ichiro paid no attention to this idiot and signed for us too. It’s people like that with the “Entitlement” mentality, that they are owed the autograph, are the ones who give the rest of us a bad name. They are also the ones who push kids aside

  9. Toni Arakaki says:

    #7 is so true. After the Pro Bowl one year, a bunch of local collectors were at the airport when Terry Bradshaw was leaving. He first turned us down but we all just made one orderly line. He just went down the line, in less than 2 min. he signed for all of us. We were all happy. If the dealers were there, I’m sure it would have been a different story.

  10. Lee says:

    I’d probably add “Know your Celebrity” to the list. It always makes a better impression in the player’s mind if you bother to read the back of their card or check up on them in Wikipedia. Sometimes they are even willing to stop and talk to you.

  11. Rene says:

    A great example of #6 for me was Feb. 2000, at the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Tiger Woods was trying to win his 6th PGA in a row, which he did go on to do and then went on to win several more, and the crowds followed him everywhere on the course. I waited at the end where all the players exited and since I went there very early, I was right up against the rope keeping the crowds back. When he was approaching the end, the number of people became excessive, and people were standing 7 or 8 deep, and the ones in back were pressing hard trying to get to the front.

    Also, everyone in the crowds were calling “Tigger, over here,” and “Tigger” this and that. With the pushing getting out of hand, his security people started to hustle him away, and as he passed me, I said “Mr. Woods, could I please have your autograph?” He paused and looked at me, and I once again said, “Please Mr Woods, could I have your autograph?” He reached for my autograph book, and people around and behind me shoved their items on top of mine, but he reached under, took my book and signed it. Handed it back to me, I said “Thank you very much Mr. Woods.” And he then left. As far as I was able to find out, I got an autograph, and one other lady, she was Vietnamese, got an autograph. When I got home, I thanked my Mom for teaching me manners, because that was the only way I got it.

    I called him Mr. Woods, said please and thank you. I couldn’t believe all those people calling him Tigger. There he was at the top of his game, top golfer of the year, and they weren’t calling him by name and showing respect, but by the name of a Winnie the Pooh character. And he ignored all of them that were calling him Tigger.

    I also got Ken Griffey Jr.’s autograph, although at that time I had no idea who he was. My niece and nephew knew and told me all about him, and they were thrilled that I had met him and got his autograph. The one I was thrilled to get was Clint Eastwood’s autograph on a large sepia toned photo of him as Rowdy Yates in Rawhide.

  12. Jason says:

    I have a question that has been bugging me for a while now in regards to autograph etiquette. If I am in line at a spring training game with a bunch of other collectors with misc. items and writing utensils, is every person expected to say “will you please sign my ______”, or is it somewhat implied? Thank you after the fact is obviously a must, but I always wondered if I was being rude by just handing the ball and pen to them once they make their way to me. They start at one end of the line and work their way down to the other, so I thought it seemed redundant for every person to ask what was already assumed. I dont hear my neighbors asking, but one future HOFer kindof singled me out one time. He just stood there and stared at me for a few secs like he was waiting for me to say something, so I nodded and offered a verbal greeting, followed by a thank you very much.

  13. Ryan says:

    I drove four hours to try and get John Cleese’s autograph in person outside a venue last year. There were only two of us waiting and we got completely snubbed (no thanks to rude security). The worst part was waiting for over an hour in the freezing winter cold. No wait, the worst part was waiting for over an hour in the freezing winter cold AND getting snubbed. Nonetheless, we got signed copies off his book before his show. I really wanted a cool experience with John Cleese and a personalized autograph, but beggars can’t be choosers. Well, I can. I still love John Cleese but will always have that bad memory of what happened. Your Bill Murray story made me feel a little better though.

    • Michael T says:

      I couldn’t find the above-mentioned Bill Murray story.
      I have a bunch of encounters with him myself they’re all pleasurable and I was curious to see what your story was about, can you direct me to it?

  14. Brent murdock says:

    If you have a signed jersey of an nhl legend, and you are in the company of other players from that exam, is it ok to ask them to sign that jersey too?

  15. John Langford says:

    I havent done sports autographs as much as I would like, but one thing I keep in mind. When I go to an autograph session, and know beforehand who I am getting a signature from, I will read up on them as much as I can. Not on statistics or facts, but about their LIFE. Their personal life. It makes a BIG impression on me when someone asks how my children are, or how my favorite new puppy is doing. If I know the dog’s name, I will include it in mt statement. One time, I got Stan Lee’s autograph, and I asked how his two little dogs are (I cant remember the names of the dogs now…..it was a few years ago). But anyway, when he heard me mention his dogs, his face lit up and he smiled and talked about them for just a few moments. A little personal recognition goes a long way, and helps me to be remembered by them and as someone who genuinely cared……even if just for a brief moment in time. And it also shows that I took the time to read his autobiography……which I did before I saw him.

  16. Seth Petersen says:

    I have a question: I am sending a nylon “W” flag to my favorite Cubs player, Kris Bryant for his signature….hopefully. I included a handwritten note and the whole nine yards. However, what marker, or implement, is best to include in the package if the flag is nylon? I plan on framing the item if it gets returned to me.

  17. Michael T says:

    I am older now and I haven’t collected autographs in a real long time, but I’ve been teaching my nephew the ropes lately as he’s just become of autograph Hound age.
    Memory of my one regret collecting resurfaced recently, it was when I put my empathetic nature over my cause.
    Michael Jordan was driving with Bulls teammate Cliff Levingston out of the Bulls practice facility and nobody was bothering Levingston for his autograph while MJ was mobbed. I talked to Cliff levingston the whole time because he looked like it was an awkward moment for him and I never got Jordan to ink his name that day. I ended up having many other opportunities a few years later but during that interim I did not know why I was not a bit more assertive. There feels like there is something of a lesson to be learned in there. Lol. ☺

  18. Gigi says:

    If you send a request for an autograph from a “B”celebrity:
    1.) DO include a Self addressed stamped envelope with FULL return postage.
    2.) DO NOT write and ask for a FREE photo. We earn a living from our autographs and must pay for our photos. Many of us don’t even charge appearance fees in order to keep down the costs of our autographs ($20) to each fan.
    3.) ASK FIRST on FB or email what our policy is.
    4.) DO include photos of your own we love seeing them. But please see #1 and #2.

  19. Jason says:

    great website ! i’ve been collecting autographs from musicians here in LA for years. Everything I learned about graphing was by painful trial and error starting in the 90s. Glad to formally educate myself now :0)

  20. Aaron White says:

    I liked how you mentioned that you shouldn’t interrupt celebrities when trying to get an autograph from them. My wife is wanting to travel to Los Angeles soon and he was wondering what he should do if he sees a celebrity and wants an autograph from them. I’ll be sure to tell her that she shouldn’t interrupt anyone when wanting to get an autograph.

  1. December 28, 2010

    […] eating or with their family. What other "rules" do you self-impose? I just finished a blog post of my top 10 rules but would love to hear what is on your list. Autograph University – Tips, insights and […]

  2. March 17, 2012

    […] The response from collectors has been spirited but mixed. Most share Dallas’s annoyance with the aggressive behavior of those who obtain autographs for financial gain and agree with her call for better etiquette among autograph seekers (myself included). […]

  3. March 26, 2015

    […] Read my post on the 10 Rules of Autograph Etiquette mentioned in the article […]

  4. May 13, 2015

    […] 10 rules of autograph etiquette Matt raymond’s rules for being a good citizen of the autograph community.. […]

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