25 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Collecting Autographs

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

7 Responses

  1. Ron says:

    Back when I first started I would hit every autograph show not anymore too much time too much money . Trying to be more selective and not starting too many projects which I had to complete sometimes my wife and I just started the old 13 World Series championship photo of course we will not get a few players on it already have 5 some of the players might not be here next year or some just don’t sign so I will get what I can on it. It’s a fun hobby I could spend my money on worst things my wife is also into it big time which helps.

  2. Riley says:

    Very nice and I couldn’t agree more. Especially about the “China” balls. I learned about that the hard way too. It’s nice to network and I have met some really cool people through the hobby. But I’ve met even more @$$es. Here’s one I wrote a couple years ago. If you have a few minutes to kill, give it a read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did reading yours. Take care man. http://voices.yahoo.com/to-pay-not-pay-autograph-tale-10145339.html?cat=40

  3. Art says:

    The stories attached to each autograph and the memories are worth 10 times more than the signatures. My best friend who was like my brother died a month ago. We started our sports memorabilia collection together in 1991 at a show at the Orange County Fairgrounds in California. It’s those memories with my life-long friend that have helped me somewhat cope with his death.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Art, I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you an amazing collection of memories of your time enjoying the hobby together. I really appreciate your sharing this with us.


  4. Julian says:

    HI Matt,
    What do you mean with #23 “I wish I knew how to prep my markers”? How or what should I do? (I’m a beginner in this world).

    Kind Regards

  5. Alan Stagg says:

    Why do Autograph Dealers think they are experts in the field of Authenticating signatures?
    In the modern day of collecting autographs the only person who can be the expert is the person who obtained the signature in person at that time.
    there is no way in my opinion that a dealer can sell a modern day autograph with a 100 percent quarantee or authenticity. A COA to me is worthless, the person selling the item with a COA would only commit themselves by saying they believe the signature to be genuine.
    Also some dealers Offer a full refund if you prove the item is not to be the real thing.
    The question is,the only way you can prove the item not to be real is to track down the person who obtained it in the first place.
    Some dealers advertise themselves as being a member of the UACC , they think that becoming a member makes them an expert in authenticating signatures. If you send a dealer a modern day autograph they would give their opinion or expertise on the signature if the item is real or fake. They will then offer you COA or written appraisal at a charge.
    In my opinion some of these dealers can only give an opinion on your autograph simply by comparing to other autugraphs in their collection , or by the book of autographs. The question I always ask how do they come to the conclusion that an item is fake, when the signature they are comparing to is also fake. Of course unless they obtained the signature in person. I honestly believe if you want to become a collector the only way of owning the real thing, is to try to obtain the signature yourself. You then know you now own the real thing.
    I cannot make any comments on the collecting of vintage autographs, this in my opinion is a different ball game. But once again the only person who quarantee 100 percent that a autograph is genuine, is the person who obtained it in the first place. When I was a collector I made sure that I had a photograph taken with the person ,or persons, make a note on the back of the photograph where you obtained it ,and date.
    The only person who can be the expert on autograph collecting, is the person who obtained the signature in the first place. Please note this is only my opinion, but to me it makes sense.

  6. Ginger Birts says:

    I have a framed group of autographs on one sheet with some well known stars that visited the T.V. Station in Atlanta that my mom received personally and met each one back in the 60’s or 70’s. I am sure that some are valuable to a collector. Lucille Ball is one and Carol Channing, and Moms Mabley among them. Would like to know a possible value should I decide to sell the framed group of autographs.

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