A Message from Virgil Trucks’ Daughter to Autograph University Readers

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

4 Responses

  1. Jeek says:

    Well deserved. Great idea, Matt. Thanks for taking the time to do stuff like this. It may not seem like a big deal to some but to many of us it does. It may make a difference when a player feels unappreciated for signing or overwhelmed by requests.
    Thanks Again,

  2. Steve Mason says:

    I have sent to many older players over the years and have got some nice letters from a handful. Mr. Trucks wrote me a nice letter last year along with signing my photos and including a few cards of his own signed. He’s always been great to collectors and will be remembered with other baseball greats like Johnny Pesky and Broadway Charlie Wagner who took to to sign my requests.

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