Autograph Adventures – Bill Murray

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

10 Responses

  1. Jason C. says:

    I hear of these type of stories a lot with Bill Murray, so I almost feel guilty that my experience with him was so pleasant. Several years ago the St. Paul Saints hosted the Northern League All-Star Game. As part owner of the Saints, Murray was in attendance and was on the field with all the All-Stars and coaches. Fans were allowed something like 30 minutes to meander around and get autographs. While Bill wasn’t dead center of the fray, he smiled and chatted with me for a few minutes as he signed my program (which included a drawing of him on it). I only went over to him because no one else was there. Later, I added Bill Veeck’s son, Mike on the program. The now-framed program still hangs in my den. The bat with the All-Stars like Daryl Motley? Eh, it’s around somewhere…

  2. Steve Cyrkin says:

    Great get and great story…you should blog this on Autograph Magazine Live!

  3. Matt S says:

    hey matt, i saw you walking down Temple St before heading to the back alley. I was in line for the event, so couldn’t want to run over and say hi. Bill signed my Ghostbusters photo inside at the stage after the show. I was in complete shock. No photo ops inside, either, though. Later on that evening, he really let us have it, though, after he went drinking (apparently) at the Ames hotel. He was yelling all kinds of stuff at us outside before he left.

  4. Mettie says:

    My experience after the Ford Hall Forum looked a little something like this:

    As one of Bill’s biggest fans, I can truly say that this was one of, if not, the happiest moments of my life.

  1. April 3, 2012

    […] exciting to get one of my comedy idols. If you're interested in my full story of the encounter: Autograph Adventures – Bill Murray Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors. Twitter: […]

  2. December 20, 2012

    […] is my top 5 from January 1 – June 27 (the day my son was born). Nothing to report since then 1. Bill Murray 2. Dirk Nowitzki 3. Carmelo Anthony 4. Tyler Seguin 5. Neil Hamburger (photo) Autograph […]

  3. January 7, 2013

    […] Autograph Adventures – Bill Murray Even if my graphing year had not been shortened by the birth of my son, there is little doubt this […]

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