Autograph Adventures – Jeff Bridges, Chris Mullin

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

7 Responses

  1. Martin Huynh says:

    For your Bridges picture, why didn’t you have him sign in silver?

    Was that your first time grpahing mullin? Is he just a mean person in general?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Great question Martin. I didn’t have a silver paint pen prepped so I went with blue Sharpie. Had the Bridges encounter not been a complete surprise I may have gone with silver. That said, it was cold out and paint pens tend to get performance anxiety when there’s a chill in the air–the Sharpie is the safe bet.

      Never graphed Mullin before but my buddy got him during induction weekend and said he was very nice at the time.

  2. Zane says:

    I was at the thunder v. Spurs game in okc (chris Mullen) was the ga,e broadcaster for espn, after the game I went down to try to get his autograph, and was the only person there. I called out mr. Mullen can I have your autograph, he looked at me like I had 3 heads turned around and walked off.

  1. October 28, 2011

    […] very engaging (i.e. didn't acknowledge me at all). If you're interested in reading the full story, I published a blog post today. Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors. Twitter: […]

  2. December 14, 2011

    […] 2. Jeff Bridges (8×10) A complete surprise encounter, Bridges lived up to his fan-friendly rep by taking time to sign and take a picture with me after returning from a day of filming R.I.P.D. in Boston. Read my previous post about graphing Jeff Bridges. […]

  3. April 14, 2012

    […] October 28, 2011 Autograph Adventures – Jeff Bridges, Chris Mullin […]

  4. October 1, 2013

    […] of my celebrity encounters have been informed by your posts on OLV. Mark Wahlberg, Tom Cruise and Jeff Bridges come to mind. It’s an excellent resource for graphers and one of my 9 Websites Every […]

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