Autograph University Interview: Nate Robinson

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

13 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    I like the interview, but it was too zoomed in with the camera.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Laura, thanks for the feedback. I agree with you, I am basically on top of Nate Rob. The reason is that people were walking behind me during the halftime break–sort of like two cars trying to pass on a single lane street.

  2. Adam says:

    Went to a signing of his at a local mall with Glen Davis. The pen thined out on his auto and unfortunately when I went up to his table while they were signing they were joking with each other and didnt hear me say thanks or good luck.

  3. Doug (Buckin'Nutz SCN) says:

    Great interview, I never expected him to be that cool. Seems like a good guy.

  4. Meng Kue says:

    Fantastic video Matt! I love the work you’ve been doing. I know you have child now but find time to keep this site going. As for myself, I just turned 35, I’m married with two kids, just got my masters degree two days ago, and just picked up graphing this year from a classmate who is seasoned in graphing. He found out I was a picture framer and we’ve been bartering since (I practically have everything he’s graphed in the past 5 years for the framing I’ve given him). However, I decided this year to graph for myself at the hotels and arenas. I couldn’t have done though without the information you’ve given on this website. Keep it coming Matt!! Thank you for you hard work!!!

  5. kimmie k says:

    awesome vid! waiting for a vid with ray j!

  6. Bill says:

    Hey Matt, i’m going to my first NBA game next Friday (Phoenix at Minnesota) and I am a die hard suns fan so I could not be more excited. I am looking to get some autographs and just wondering if you had any tips specifically for Minneapolis and the Target Center. I heard the visiting team stays at the Grand Hotel across the street…could that be accurate?

  1. January 24, 2011

    […] questions about autographs at halftime. He agreed. Let me know what you think of the interview: Autograph University Interview: Nate Robinson Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors. Reply […]

  2. January 24, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mattraymond, mattraymond. mattraymond said: My interview with @Celtics guard @nate_robinson about #autographs […]

  3. July 19, 2011

    […] it and tries to sign as much as he can. Interesting to see the response when the camera is off. Autograph University interview with Nate Robinson Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors. Twitter: […]

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