How to Choose the Best Silver Marker for Your Autographs

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

307 Responses

  1. Steve Brunn says:

    Some great stuff here. Excellent pointers. What would you recommend for a game used pitching rubber. (Mariano to sign). Would want a big bold sig because his hand writing is so great. Thanks and I look forward to your response.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Steve,

      If it’s clean enough I think a black Sharpie would be fine. You could go with a fine point black Deco for an even more bold signature, just give it PLENTY of time to dry on that surface.

  2. Ryan Paley says:

    I was wondering if the write dudes inkredible would still work nicely on a jerssy because I’ve never used a paint pen and I was wondering if it can provide similar results on a jersey without all the prep, thanks in advance!

  3. Ryan Paley says:

    I was wondering if the write dudes inkredible would still work nicely on a jerssy because I’ve never used a paint pen and I was wondering if it can provide similar results on a jersey without all the prep, thanks in advance! Appreciate the help!

  4. Ryan Paley says:

    I was wondering if an autograph on a jersey would turn out as good as a paint marker with a write dudes infinity silver because I have never used a paint marker and I’m looking or similar results without prep, thanks! Sorry I left a comment earlier with the wrong marker name lol!

  5. Ryan Paley says:

    I was wondering if an autograph on a jersey would turn out as good as a paint marker with a write dudes infinity silver because I have never used a paint marker and I’m looking or similar results without prep, thanks! Sorry I left a comment earlier with the wrong marker name lol! Thanks for the help in advance!

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Ryan,

      A paint pen will give you the boldest signature. I think the Infinity will look ok on a black number but it’s not going to be as nice as a Deco. That said, you don’t run the same risks that the paint pen will malfunction on you.

  6. Garrett says:


    I am getting the front of a LA Kings (black) hockey youth jersey signed on the front by the team and I use a silver sharpie. I have about 14 more signatures. Should I switch to a deco. I usually use deco’s as often as possible but wasn’t sure about using it on the actual jersey (I usually use a deco on the numbers but not on the actual jersey material).

    For future reference , do jerseys turn out well with a silver deco paint pen? Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it!


    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Garrett,

      Deco will work great on the numbers but I would have some concern about bleeding/drying if you are using it on the fabric. How does the Sharpie look on the signatures you’ve already added to it? I think I better next step would be to use something like an Infinity that may give you a bolder signatures without the risks of paint.


  7. Steve Brunn says:

    Thanks Ryan. It’s not quite clean I think a paint pen would be great but def worried about it drying fast enough. You would go fine point over the medium point ( think it’s called broad point). Recently used it for a jersey sig and it was GREAT! Thanks again for ur input! Great appreciate it.

  8. David says:

    I used a DecoColor liquid silver pen on a DUKE leather football and after a month, it still smudges. Is this normal? Somebody told me that paint pens never really dry on leather footballs.

  9. Steve Brunn says:

    Hey Matt back for some more advice. Have a Yankee seatback to be signed. I’ve seen some signed in sharpie that already look like they are fading ( I have a Red Sox red seatback signed in black seems faded already and signed in summer 2014). Should I use a deco paint pen stead of a sharpie??? Thanks so much.

  10. Andrew Kim says:

    Hi Matt,

    Can you recommend me good “Gold Metallic pen” for Rawlings black baseball autograph? I tried sharpie metallic gold, but color was too dark and it didn’t write well on black baseball.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Andrew, I haven’t personally had one signed but I’ve seen DecoColor silver paint pens (fine point) recommended. Anyone else with suggestions?


    • Andy says:

      I have used a silver sharpie on a black bat before, it looks good and haven’t faded. You might want to try paint markers, I hope this helps.

  11. Michelle Miranda says:

    Hi Matt

    I had a few questions. A lot of these post has been very helpful.
    What can I use to get an 8×10 glossy picture signed with? Will a Blue Sharpie fine point work, or will It smudge. Also will blue sharpie fine point be best on matte pictures.

    Also what is the best way to get a hockey helmet (black) signed with. Deco color silver or
    silver/metallic sharpie?

    Lastly I have a red blackhawks jersey with white numbers, will a black sharpie be best?

  12. Greg S says:

    Hi Matt,

    I have a Nike replica basketball jersey made of tight-weave mesh/50% polyester that I would like to get signed. The jersey is black but has silver numbers. I have two questions:

    Should I have it signed on the silver number (it is a glossy, rubbery material), or should it be signed on the black jersey itself?

    Which pen should I use depending on where it should be signed?

    Thank you

  13. Kyle K says:

    Hi Matt,
    I am going to a show next weekend and getting a lot of different items signed.

    I am getting authentic speed helmets (White Bills helmet, Cowboys helmet, Steelers helmet and Giants) signed and I am thinking Blue or Black sharpie for the Bills and Blue Sharpie for the Cowboys. Not 100% on the Steelers (Terry Bradhsaw and Joe Green- thinking Gold or Yellow Prisma or Deco Broad or Fine) and Giants (Lawrence Taylor – thinking white deco or silver deco or prisma broad or fine). What do you think on the above?

    Also, I am getting a Cardinals and Athletics authentic batting helmets signed. Would you recommend black sharpie on those or continue with the silver deco or prisma broad/fine?

    I am getting Biggio to sign and inscribe HOF on his pinstripe jersey(black numbers) and thinking the silver fine deco. Do you agree?

    Finally, I am getting a few pictures signed and heard good things about Staedtler pens on photos and of course black or blue sharpies. Have you tried those out? If so, what are your thoughts. Let me know and thanks.

  14. Steve says:

    Being an avid hockey fan I collect various game used items. As far as getting a helmet signed, what do you recommend? Also sticks… Most players sign on the blade which has been taped… Ive used sharpies before but they tend to fade. Suggestions appreciated!
    Steve H.

  15. Brandon says:

    I am wanting to get a few autographs on a weight lifting belt at an upcoming show I am driving 10hrs to. The belt is a 4″ wide leather belt that has suede on the outter what pen will be best for this suede signing area? the belt is black so silver is choice. Thanks so much. btw the belt is an inzer forever lever belt if you actually look it up. thanks!

  16. brandon says:

    Also, what size point? I assume either fine or actually broad/med. would think extra fine would not be a wise choice. thanks

  17. Shanan says:

    I have a swingman LeBron jersey, white numbers… I read a previous comment about using a black sharpie for that type of jersey. Is this true? I’m nervous about it bleeding or fading over time. Thanks! Shanan

  18. chris c says:

    Can you tell me what year the silver and gold markers first came out. thank you

  19. Joe says:

    I went to Wrestlemania. I bought a red shirt, sort of a 49ers/Wrestlemania hybrid theme t-shirt. I should have used my time differently to get signatures on the trip but was not able to. In the future I want to have a few people sign this shirt and keep it as memorbilia. Maybe I will wear it on a select pay per view every so often.. I have never used a paint pen before, I guess black could work but I am thinking silver will be better, looking at your choices, I was thinking of locating a Write dudes pen and keeping it on hand for awhile… or do you have any suggestions? Thanks

  20. Ivy says:

    Hi Matt
    I wanted to get a hat signed and was wondering which pen/marker I should use.

  21. Steve says:

    Which would you recommend for a baseball cap, fine or broad point? Thinking of the Deco paint pen. Silver on red cap?


  22. andrew says:

    Im getting a very dark red major league bat signed this weekend what Color and marker would u suggest?

  23. Richard says:

    Hi, this is a great article but I still am wondering, what utensil should I use if I am signing the brim of a navy blue baseball hat. Thanks for the advice.

  24. Mark says:

    I used your advice for the Decocolor on a jersey # and it turned out great. Made sure pens were properly primed before signing occurred . So now I’d like to get a catchers chest protector signed but I don’t know what to use. The color is a dark forest green and the fabric seems to be a large celled , moisture wicking fabric . It’s not the shiny tight knit nylon on some protectors. I’d like to use the silver Deco but it seems that it would bleed badly. There’s not really a place on the item I can test on that’s discrete . Any ideas?

  25. Dave says:


    I am planning on getting 3 signatures on a dark brown maple bat what would you suggest as a marker for this?


  26. Skip says:

    Matt, I am getting a full size Orange Syracuse Helmet autographed and want to know what color and pen type I should use. I have had problems with black sharpies fading away in the past.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      I’d use a black Deco as long as you have time to let the signatures dry. If I was getting guys to sign it immediately after each other I’d be worried about smudging and would stick with Sharpie.

  27. Jonathan says:

    Question, would it be ok to use a blue deco color paint pen for a signature on a white number on a jersey or would it be best to stick with a black sharpie marker for it?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Black Sharpie is the safer bet as there is always some risk with a Deco malfunctioning but you’ll miss out on the bolder signature. If you use a paint pen give it ample time to dry.

  28. Bobbie Rawson says:

    What is the best pen to use on a black leather jacket?

  29. mark says:

    We are getting a jersey autographed by Michael Jordan(son is going to his basketball camp next week). we think we want the autograph on the jersey, not the number. white jersey so we think black paint pen. what type and should it be fine /broad? thanks for the help!!

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Just curious – why do you want to get the jersey material signed? I think a black paint pen would work, just make sure you have a backing material of some kind in place between the layers of the jersey that is pulled taut. On a jersey I’d go with a broad point.

  30. Drew says:

    I will be attending Bucs training camp soon. In the past I have printed nice photos for the top guys to sign, but this year I want to bring some footballs to get signed. First question, Do I have to buy the white panel balls? They are more expensive. Second question what pens should I try to use on a football, White panel/ Regular ball?


  31. Jonah says:

    I have a green michigan state helmet that I am going to have signed by the 2015 spartans. What type of marker would you recommend at short notice? (Silver being the obvious color)

  32. Benjamin says:


    I have one of the limited edition USA Mens Soccer Jerseys from the July 4th game played this year. Due to the Flag design on the numbers it will make that hard to sign but looking to sign on the actual jersey, since it is multiple shades of blue thinking slier but wondering what pen or marker you would best recommend for it. Thank you

  33. Adam says:

    Matt, thank you for the great post. Do you have a recommendation for autographs on Schutt bases?

  34. David Welsh says:

    Hi, could you recommend the best type of silver marker for this Royal Blue Manchester United shirt? Signatures will be on front of shirt (100% polyester).

    Thank you,
    David, Glasgow.

  35. Kevin says:


    What would you recommend to use on a white New York Jets stitched jerseys with green numbers? I’ve gotten one signed before and it was Joe Klecko and I gave him a silver sharpie to sign it and it was barley visible so he had to trace it in a black sharpie. It was kind of funny but the signature is dark on the jersey and doesn’t stand out too much. So in the future which would you recommend to use on a Jersey like that (Nike Limited Jets Jersey with green numbers)? Thanks a ton!

  36. Brandon says:

    Hey Matt, I see that you’ve recommended deco silver for jersey numbers but is this recommendation for stitched numbers only or does it apply to screen printed ones as well? I have a white Ray Lewis SB XLVII with purple numbers I’m getting signed later this month and Nike only produced their screen printed NFL jerseys for those. Will that be alright to use still?

  37. Joe says:

    Hello, I have a game used basketball court hardwood floor with a light background. Would you recommend I use a black sharpie or a black Deco for autographs? Thanks.

  38. Eric says:

    I have a baseball jersey that I am looking to get signed on the white numbers since the jersey itself is a dark blue. However the numbers are a very short felt material. Do you have any recommendations for the type of marker that I should use? Thank you!

  39. Harold says:

    Hello Matt,
    Would you recommend me a good silver pen for booklets or vinyl jackets? I’ve been trying with a sharpie (gold and silver) but most of the times they never work properly with the artist so I’m basically loosing my chance. I need something quick to dry (cause most of the times is crowded and pushy) and something that I can trust is gonna work everytime. My metallic sharpie experience has been really bad. Thanks!

  40. Sherry says:

    Looking for the best way to get an autograph on a black tee-shirt

  41. Steve says:


    Looking to get a black flocked blacklight poster signed. Would you recommend the Deco Paint Pen, and if so, do they come in colors other than silver?


  42. Carlo says:

    I’m looking at getting a pair of under armour leather lacrosse gloves signed. What type of pen/marker would work best. Any help or information would be great. Thank you

  43. Bob says:

    I will getting an autograph on a Catchers Helmet from Yadier Molina of the St Louis Cardinals. What would be the right pen and color to use on a red helmet and where can I buy it at?

  44. Ralph says:

    Hello, can you recommend a white color that would look good on a regular black color cotton shirt. With wrestlemania coming we have a signing and the wrestlers shirt is black with white writing so we would like to get it autograph in white. Any recommendations?

  45. Christina says:

    For my little brother’s HS graduation party I want all the guests to sign a custom football I had made for him, but I want to make sure we use the best marker. I don’t know which one to use… I want the signatures to be bold, but I don’t want them to get smudged… I don’t know they will have much time to dry in between signatures. Your advice would be appreciated! Thanks!!

  46. Mike says:

    Im looking to get a efx thor hammer signed by chris hemsworth the head of the hammer is metal with metalic paint. What should i get it signed with will a regular perm marker work

  47. michael says:

    hi Matt. I was wondering if I used a DecoColor Premium Paint marker on a jersey number of that would work just as well as a normal DecoColor Paint marker like you mentioned in this post. I only ask because I’m new to this and have never used paint markers before and I cannot find a normal DecoColor. Thanks in advance!

  48. Eddie says:

    Hey, I have a printed photo on canvas and wanted to know what’s the best pen/marker to use on canvas for autos?

  49. Emily says:

    I am headed out to spring training soon. I have a flag that I would like the players to sign. Do you have any suggestions for this type of material?


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