How to Get a Grammy Award Winner’s Autograph for Free

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

9 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    Nice! How do I sign up for these things, so I can find out when they come out?

  2. Larry E says:

    I have bought from both sites and I can say that some are original autographs and some are just printed copies of one cd they signed! Just looked at the Maroon 5
    “signed” copy on this site and it is exactly like the one that I bought! This is not fair to the buyer. If it is a hand signed original it should say so, but if it is a print of an original, we should know that too. ALSO, fye is VERY VERY SLOW at sending the signed covers out. I have been in it with them several times, as I collect them! I am waiting on one as of this post. They send the cd out and then a month or so down the road, the cover…..if you are lucky. Newbury includes the “signed” copy with the cd. Trust Newbury….not so much fye.

  3. Chris says:

    Dude I just stumbled upon your website by googling something like rza autograph… clicked on your link (who knows how many pages in, maybe it was even the first page?) and I’m sure glad I did!! So I have accumulated a bunch of rap cd’s/vinyls/collectibles over the last year- of which, some are signed. so anyways, i come upon your website and find out about newbury and that fye sells autogrpahed cd’s and im super stoked! Thanks for this post, this site, and such! You’re beyond awesome man! Gunna order my signed copies of wale, ice cube, rza, q-tip, and akon’s albums now! id list off some of the autographs that i’ve gathered, but i doubt that you’d know a majority of them (being underground hip-hop artists). But anyways, ill end this rant by saying thank you sooooo much lol!

  4. drum lessons says:

    I’m looking for some good violin lessons for less in Houston Texas and the price range $20-$30. . so you think you can help me out?. )i(I would charge $19 per hour cash. It looks affordable and you can get good experience and make some jack.

  5. Chris says:

    Hello, my name is Chris, my email address is any one who is selling any of the older Newbury items, please contact me

  1. February 23, 2011

    […] bundle free autographed booklets with CD purchases? If you're interested in reading, I published a blog post with the Grammy award winners and nominees I've added through these outlets. Not as good as IP, but […]

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