How to Request Autographs Through the Mail (TTM)

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

14 Responses

  1. Richard says:

    Matt it;s a great way to get autographs through the mail. That’s what I’m doing right now to build my collection. Great website!!!!!

  2. Connor says:

    Hi Matt,
    Love the site! I’m a kid trying to build up his collection, and I have been saving up money to get TTM graphs, but I can’t afford to build one through photos. . I was wondering if you recommend those generic autograph cards?
    Are the graphs not as valuable if those generic cards are used? Also, when I send them TTM, do they sign the back too?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Connor, I would recommend The Autograph Cards if you can’t get your hands on individual player cards. The generic cards would be less valuable. The athletes would typically sign the front of the card only.

    • Doug says:

      Connor, there are some great way out there to get cheap quality photos. If you’re going mass quantity, cards and two forever stamps is a great way to go. Easier to store, you can still hang them up and the memories are just the same. If you’re looking for future value, the resale value is tiny tiny. If the #1 least future value items are Index cards, then item #1A is cards. Mostly because of the mass qunatity out there and it isn’t as “exciting”. Index cards only gain a small bump in value if the player is a legend or a good player and deceased.

      If you belong to Costco, they do 8×10 and 8x12s for 1.49 each or you can order through and their 8x10s are 1.50 and they sporadically have sales with 8x10s sometines as low as .99 cents. The big hook is postage. Depending how you send it, postage can be as low as 1.08 each way to closer to 2.00 each way. Depends on what you use for a backing/stiffening platform. Manilla folder offers little bend protection but will not weigh your envelope to the $2 level. Cardboard is pretty much the next best to a solid mailer envelope but there is no guarantee they will put it back in the envelope and won’t 100% protect your photo from the elements (as my Sophia Loren photos came back stuck together).

      The one downer of cards also is how its lit. Most basketball cards have DARK backgrounds and can be a pain to get a nice sig on because if they use a black sharpie, it doesn’t always come out. Most don’t have silver on them and aren’t conserned with the sig outcome.

    • Doug says:

      Ah! how could I forget! A 4×6 photo will also fit in most envelopes and are very very cheap to print if not done on your home computer. If you get the 6×9 yellow orange envelopes and put a 4×6 or 5×7 photo or photos, even with a piece of poster board protection, it’s still light enough to qualify for a single forever stamp.

  3. Connor says:

    Thanks everyone!

  4. Madison Jones says:

    my mom’s neighbor sends either emails or letters and gets autographs in a few days, but he has like 15 binders of autographs.. which works better and how do i get the email addresses? HELP.

  5. Clay says:

    how much postage do you put on the envelopes for 8x10s?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      The post office can weigh it for you and print out exact postage for the outgoing envelope and SASE. If you’re going with stamps, at least 4 (5 would be safe).


  6. james says:

    I want every actpr actrese royaty signature 2 75 Kambalda cresant fisher canberra

  1. April 17, 2012

    […] January 22, 2012 How to Request Autographs Through the Mail (TTM) […]

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