My 11-second interview with Julian Edelman

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

81 Responses

  1. Alex Tzavalas says:

    Haha, great interview, Matt! I would ask him how well he think he’d do as a QB in the NFL (considering he was a QB in college).

  2. Dustin Carson says:

    awesome event….

    I would have asked him, ” What is the most unique item someone has asked him to sign?”

    Thanks Matt !

  3. David Kemp says:

    I would have asked him what it’s like playing with a first ballot HOF quarterback.

  4. Rick McKinnon says:

    Great question. Too bad he didn’t have longer to answer it.

    My question would have been with his obsession of burgers, where in MA is his favorite burger spot.

  5. Christine Chrzanowski says:

    I would have asked Julian “What was the 1st item he had ever signed?” 11 seconds it just TOO short of a time to try to talk to him! He is such a character!! Love him!

  6. Kyle says:

    I think I would have asked “Why are you called the squirrel?”

    11 seconds is a tough interview…did you tweet him and did he respond?

  7. Adir Landes says:

    If I met him I would ask him what it’s like to meet Matt Raymond.

    Just kidding, if I met him, I would probably ask him if after he was drafted in the seventh round, if he then thought that he could ever get playing time in the NFL.

    Yours Truly,

  8. Seth Linker says:

    Would have asked, “how does it feel being a role model for youth of today”

  9. Jamie Keefe says:

    I would ask him to answer your question since he never really did. If I only have 11 seconds get right to it. You can’t sit there for 7 seconds while you smile and ponder the answer. Let’s go Julian, 11 second offense.

  10. Joe Vostal says:

    I would ask julian what it took for him to get to this stage in the NFL coming out of the 7th Round. Thanks Matt!!

  11. Aaron Magnuson says:

    What is the best advise someone has given you?

    Thanks for the contest! Go Pats/

  12. Nate Baustad says:

    If he wasn’t a pro football player what job would he hope to hold?

  13. Amelia says:

    I would have asked him if he has ever asked someone else for an autograph.

  14. Tom Taborn says:

    I would have asked, ” Julian, if you could have the autograph of any one person, living or dead, who would it be ?”.

  15. Anthony says:

    Do you believe athletes should sign autographs for fans at the stadium/team public events, rather than complaining about doing it at hotels/in public without a team event?

  16. Bryan says:

    Despite losing in SB XLVI, what was the experience like?

  17. Eric says:

    Did he like playing defensive back the few times he did?

  18. Mark Geiger says:

    Question to Julian:
    Do you still enjoy being asked for your autograph or do you see it more as a chore?

    Thank you. God bless.

  19. MS9 says:

    Can you use this time to see if you can run the full length of a football field in under 11 seconds?

  20. Robert Costa says:

    Hey Matt,

    Thanks for the great contest , my question for Julian would be, after a game who would you most like to swap jerseys with ?


  21. David Thimesch says:

    I would ask him if he has ever met Tom Brady’s wife before 🙂

    Thanks for the contest Matt

  22. Allison says:

    Great question! 11 seconds isn’t long enough. I would have asked him
    “How does it feel being one of the best WR’s and silencing all the people who doubted your ability?”

  23. Adam says:

    i would have asked him what it felt like when he had the first card released that was of him

  24. Kristen O. says:

    I would have asked him what his favorite color was haha that would take about 11 seconds…

    If I could ask something more meaningful, I would probably ask, “Who is your role model/inspiration in life and football?”

  25. Mike K says:

    If you could have any other job, what would it be? I think he could answer that in 11 seconds.

  26. John Lehrer says:

    Great video man!

    I would ask him what it’s like for him to be living his dream playing in the NFL?

  27. Nick says:

    Hey Matt,

    Julian needs a nickname. I would have asked him what he would call himself.


  28. Todd says:

    I’d ask him if he has anything significant signed by anyone else, what it is and what is the meaning …

  29. Tim Henderson says:

    I would’ve asked him who is the first autograph you ever gotten and what did the autograph mean to you?

  30. Dan Jensen says:

    The question I want to ask most athletes is “Explain what your autograph says?”. After reading Michael Cuddyer’s story regarding how Harmon Killebrew told him to take the time to write his name legibly I would like to know how others developed their signatures and how it relates to their name more than an X would.

  31. Daniel Naqui says:

    I would have asked him if he played fantasy football just because it is something I wonder if active players do.

  32. David K says:

    Great stuff Matt! (big fan of all your content)

    “Julian, when you receive fanmail at the stadium, do you pick it up from a mail slot or is it delivered to your locker?”

    Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.
    David, Wisconsin

  33. Scott says:

    Nice interview Matt.

    I would’ve asked him how he prepares himself mentally for each game, and if that process has changed at all throughout his career.

  34. Jon says:

    Good stuff?!
    I think i would ask him if he could get me Tom Brady’s autograph for me!! Or if he could get any autograph, who’s and why?

  35. Kevin says:

    Nice short interview. I’d ask him if he has his own private autograph collection and whats the weirdest time he’s asked for one.

  36. Brett says:

    I would have asked which he prefers, signing autographs or taking photos with fans.

  37. Pete says:

    Very cool. Howd you hear about this promotion Matt?

    I would ask him: After being a QB in college, explain the feeling you get when you are hit by a defensive end in the pros when you are coming across the middle?

  38. Tim szczesny says:

    I would ask “what is your favorite stadium to play in during an away game?”

    Thank you for your time

  39. Josh says:

    I would have asked him if he has ever tried to hug Bill Belichick, and if so did he hug back?

  40. John Hutton says:

    If you could be any kind of tree what kind of tree would you be?

  41. Chuck Lowery says:

    I would have asked him what were the longest eleven seconds that he ever experienced on the field at a football game.

  42. Jason C says:

    Great job and fun contest. I would ask if a rivalry game has a different sort of feel for the players, or if its just business as usual.

  43. Joe Tomczak says:

    Would have been nice to get s legit response. Good work on the site.

  44. Ronald Robinson says:

    Have you ever got an autograph from someone that you later in life played with or against?

  45. Terry Archibald says:

    Matt love your website and articles very informing. My 11 second question would be how do you and and patriots think you will do in the race for the super bowl. Thanks again

  46. Greg Levinsky says:

    Really cool!! I would’ve asked him what its like to have gone from a QB to a WR

  47. Matthew borsheim says:

    I would have asked what is the weirdest thing you had to sign

  48. Matt says:

    I would’ve asked him what is the most unique thing he’s ever signed.

  49. Johnny Guarantano says:

    I would has asked him “do u ever miss the Hanson hair do.” I bet that would be a funny response

  1. September 22, 2014

    […] signed about 10 leaving the set). It was my first experience with him and he seemed fan-friendly. My 11-second interview with Julian Edelman Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors. Twitter: […]

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