My 11-second interview with Julian Edelman

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

81 Responses

  1. Johnny Guarantano says:

    Sorry I messed up my email in the first comment I hope this doesn’t disqualify me I love minitron!!!

  2. Jim Hoffman says:

    Nice. I would’ve asked him how he feels about autograph requests through the mail.

  3. James Burke says:

    I would have asked him for his opinion if people are being too hard on Roger Goodell right now, or not hard enough. I doubt he would have answered.. but I would have at least tried. lol Thanks and great story! (As usual!)

  4. Greg S says:

    I would have asked him if he honestly ever reads his fanmail

  5. Lauren F says:

    I would have asked him if he would ever ask for someones autograph at this stage in his career- and if so who? 😀

  6. tommy says:

    I wouldve asked him how he liked being utilized as a defensive back a few years ago to as to playing wide receiver?

  7. Derrick Sublett says:

    Seems nice, but kind of side stepped your question to cut down on interaction time so it seemed.

  8. Richard says:

    I would ask that if he could have anyone’s autograph whose would it be?

  9. If I only had 11 seconds, there is only 1 question that comes to mind – the obvious “COULD I PLEASE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH”? I would have made sure not to leave without it?

  10. Linda S. says:

    What has been your favorite moment so far in your career? That’s what I would ask.

  11. Anthony D says:

    Why the black instead of the blue? 😉

  12. Kevin K says:

    I would’ve asked him what his most unusual fan experience has been and what the outcome was. Very cool of you to do this and enjoyed your question.

  13. Matthew Solo says:

    Seems like a really nice guy.

    I would have asked him how often Gisele comes to practice. And a follow up, when will the next time be?

  14. matt says:

    Awesome video great Q&A!!

  15. Mike Sorenson says:

    Awesome question. I would have asked who the funniest player he ever played with. It seems like I always get interesting answers for that question. Congrats!!

  16. JennieGirl says:

    I would ask Julian, “what was his first big purchase and what did he do when he got his first Patriots pay check?”

    It’s my birthday on Oct 2nd!!! This would be awesome 😉
    GO PATS!!!!

  17. jacob grossman says:

    I would of asked him when the best time to ask him for an autograph would be. and if there are certain times that he will never sign

  18. Brian says:

    I would ask “The NFL is a business. What player’s departure impacted you the most (whether trade, cut, or left in free agency)?”

  19. bryan says:

    I would ask: Who has been your favorite Patriots teammate over the years?

  20. Christopher Rodriguez says:

    I would have asked: What’s his favorite donut? But autographed related…Has he gotten any autographs from fellow NFL players or traded signed jerseys with anyone?

  21. Jacob Jordan says:

    Who is the defensive player you are most scared of?

  22. Geoff says:

    I would have asked him what his favorite piece of memorbilia he has from his career

  23. Nolan says:

    I would have asked him what his single favorite moment was as a patriot

  24. roland says:

    Whose autograph would he want from anyone in the NFL?

  25. Justin says:

    I would’ve asked him if he had his choice of any all-time great QB to by his quarterback, who he’d choose.

  26. barry amerault says:

    You were acquired by the Patriots with very low expectations, too short; no specific position. Has this forged a special bond between you and the underrated Tom Brady?

  27. Caleb O'Connor says:

    I would ask him if he remembers anybody that has there stuff signed by him.

  28. Jonathan hibberd says:

    i would ask him what the weardest thing he has ever signed! (- -)

  29. Clydenog says:

    Russia is increasing its exports

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