My Most Sentimental Autograph Was Purchased on eBay

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

21 Responses

  1. Luke says:

    Awesome post. I’m very jealous of this purchase!

  2. Sooz says:

    That was a really cool story. Glad you were able to get an autograph from him.

  3. Mark J. Cardosi says:

    Would love to share more Eddie Farrell and other Farrell family stories. Coincidentally, we (my Farrell family spouse and I) live in Portsmouth, Ohio which is just downriver from Ironton, Ohio. Please write.

  4. Chris Trevino says:

    This ones easy..This past christmas my Wife bought me 3 seats connected from the old Dallas Cowboys Texas Stadium..numbered 8,22,88! The #8 seat had a small index card size plaque with Troys stats and the seatback was signed..the #22 had the same,Plaque and Signature from Emmitt! The #88 had the plaque but no sig! Well this past May i went to Dallas for a signing and FINALLY got Irvin to sign his #’s seatback for me and when i got home to put it back on…i swear i fought back tears. As a HUGE Cowboys fan, i can say that is my Holy Grail! 2/3’s bought and the 3rd obtained in person.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Awesome! When I was a kid my dad brought me to a card show and I got Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin. Irvin could not have been nicer. Emmitt, on the other hand, completely ignored me when I greeted him.

  5. Mike Sorenson says:

    I love stories like this!!

  6. Patricia Farrell says:

    Who is the great grand son?? I was married to Doc Farrell’s son-Richard..I live a few street from the Family Home in Glen Ridge..

  7. Brian Farrell says:

    Hello I would like to talk to the purchaser.Eddie”doc” Farrell is my great great uncle and is my dads great uncle and my grandfathers uncle. All of my family are yankee fans and I know everything about him. My dad never met him cause he died in 66 and my dad was born in 69 but we know for sure he is in our family line. I wanted to say I haven’t found any written letters from him but I’m glad I found something.

  8. Carol Feeney Russell says:

    Hi Matt,
    This was such a wonderful find! Poppy a.k.a. Eddie Farrell was my grandfather. My mom was his oldest daughter. I didn’t know him well, but my brother did. He was the oldest of Poppy’s grandchildren, has great stories. Please do tell me about your folks etc. would love to know about another realative!

  9. rich myers says:

    I had dated his daugther Linda in college and spent some time with the Dr. , always a gentelmen, one time while waiting for Linda at his house in Glen Ridge, I made myself at home in His favorite chair…….. he never said anything, Linda informed me later of my faux pas…………………………R

  10. Joseph Farrell says:

    Hi Matt, Eddie is my great uncle, my grandfather Charles’ brother. Charles was also a dentist, as was my father, Charles, Jr. It is great to hear your story and to hear from another family member regarding Eddie. I have just a few pieces of uncle Eddie memorabilia, including the ’32 Yankees team photo and a couple autographed baseballs. It sounds like you have quite an impressive Eddie collection. I have been looking for an original baseball card of his. Are the 1933 Goudy cards you have originals? Also, i often wonder where his world series ring is, do you know? Have you seen it. Hope to hear from you!

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Joe, thanks for the note and great to connect with you! I have dozens of his original 1933 Goudey – check eBay, there are always a handful up there. I’ll email you so we can catch up on the ring and family stuff.

  11. John Farrell says:

    … yet another Farrell with an Uncle Ed story. He was my dad’s uncle, my grandfather Dr. John H. Farrell’s brother… who also was Uncle Charley’s brother. That makes him my great uncle. I did meet him one summer at a family reunion which was held at “tween the lakes” in Chenango Valley State Park outside of Binghamton. I was a Little League pitcher at the time… maybe 10 years old … which would be around 1962. Of course, I wanted him to show me how to throw a curve ball, and I remember him taking my ball and showing me how to place my fingers on the threads. I guess I figured that every professional ballplayer must know how to throw a curve ball. I also remember going to an Old Timer’s Game at Yankee stadium and hearing his name call out over the loud speaker. I even came home with a little souvenir bat. Last story… my dad had an autographed ball in his sock drawer. One day, my brother Steve and I wanted to play catch and not having a ball, opted to use the one with the ink on it in dad’s drawer. We were throwing “grounders” to each other in the street when dad came home. Upset? You better believe it!! Surprised we’re still alive.

  12. Ben says:

    my favorite item is my Isiah Thomas (pistons) autograph. I saw him at my country club and got a picture then 3 days later I went to a 20 $ signing, there he autographed everything I had and wished me well in basketball. he also said he remembered me from the country club,

  1. January 9, 2015

    […] This article originally appeared on Autograph University. […]

  2. March 16, 2016

    […] building a portrait photography side hustle. And I have plans to launch a new site dedicated to the memorabilia and stories I’ve collected of my great-grandfather, Eddie “Doc” Farrell. Is graphing still a passion of mine? It always will be—but it’s currently in a reduced role […]

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