My Reflections and Resolutions for the New Year

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

3 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    First off happy new year to you and your family, i hope it will be a good one. I have a strong passion for sports and the chance of an autograph of my favorite players, the chance to meet them is just as thrilling. My main focus this year is the whole team of 2012 dream team autographs, it will be challenging because i dont know how well kobe and lebron are about signing but it will be fun. Also i am trying to figure out how to get game worn stuff from players. I would like to see other readers items they have but i dont know how that would work on a blog, but that would be cool to hear the story behind them too. This is the only blog i have really been into just because it is so good and resourceful so thank you for that. The only site is, where you mail in stuff. This year will hopefully be my most productive year yet as far as getting autographs, cant do any in-person signings though dont really have the money. So thank you again and its nice to be a part of a great community with the same passion

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Jason, thank you so much for the comment and sharing your goals for the year. I think you’ll find tips at Autograph University that will help you in your pursuits. Keep us updated.

  1. January 6, 2013

    […] about the opportunities ahead and I have several exciting projects I can’t wait to reveal. In my 2013 reflections and resolutions I discussed the importance of looking back on the previous year so you can build upon your […]

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