Police Threaten Autograph Collectors with Arrest at Hoop Hall Classic

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

28 Responses

  1. John says:

    It’s private property. They can restrict access to anyone they want.

  2. Peter Shulman says:

    I would appeal to the Director of Security and explain your case.

    It is unfortunate that under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 266 Section 120 they are able to issue trespass notices to individuals to prevent their return to the owner’s property for reasons as little as actions deemed unacceptable by the college.

  3. Matt S says:

    i guess the trick is to keep a low profile as best you can. this becomes harder and harder the more “regular” you become, though. eventually they “know” you, will make judgements, and single you out. just an unfortunate consequence of the hobby. i would fight the citation, though. if you bought a ticket, you are a “patron”, and therefore cannot be trespassing.

  4. Fahz says:

    It sucks to be treated like that period but I would at least do what Peter Shulman suggested and appeal to Officer X boss. Sounds like an over zealous security guard. Players were minors and couldn’t make their own decision about signing that is something I have never heard before? Minor run ins/threats but never a trespass notice.

  5. fred n. says:

    i would hire a lawyer and file a suit for unfair harrassment.first off,the day you saw him in plain clothes.unless he flashes a badge,there is nothing he can do and by rights he has to give you a badge number and properly spell his name in case you file a report against him.there is just so much in this that smells like a overzealous wannabe policeman,who is just itching to get sued and you’ll win.

  6. Canadagraphs says:

    I would personally fight it myself & make it public(beyond my own blog).

    That being said, I dont have a lot of responsibilities, so I would have the time to take on such an endeavour. I realize it would be time consuming & mentally draining. So I understand why it might not be a viable option.

    Still, you shouldnt just roll over either and accept the 3 yr penalty. I would contact whoever employs them (the school?), explain the situation, show him the blog & your site as a whole, explain how the wannabe cop targeted you as a “seller” when you are not. If they dont feel further investigating into the situation is needed, try to encourage them to change their minds. Explain to them how next years event might just have a larger than average attendance of autograph seekers then out of protest, and not the patient & co-operative hobbyists like yourself. That it would take several Officer X’s to enforce such laws against all of them, Do they really want to budget in that additional expense, headache & PR embarrassment because of 1 over-zealous wannabe cops poor decision this year?

    Hell, at the end of the tourney if they havent had all the autograph hounds removed for the exact same reasons, I am quite sure a good lawyer can find a discrimination lawsuit in there too.

  7. adam says:

    I am an attorney but not licensed in Massachusetts. Here is what you face if you enter the premises again:

    Section 120. Whoever, without right enters or remains in or upon the dwelling house, buildings, boats or improved or enclosed land, wharf, or pier of another, or enters or remains in a school bus, as defined in section 1 of chapter 90, after having been forbidden so to do by the person who has lawful control of said premises, whether directly or by notice posted thereon, or in violation of a court order pursuant to section thirty-four B of chapter two hundred and eight or section three or four of chapter two hundred and nine A, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or both such fine and imprisonment. Proof that a court has given notice of such a court order to the alleged offender shall be prima facie evidence that the notice requirement of this section has been met. A person who is found committing such trespass may be arrested by a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer and kept in custody in a convenient place, not more than twenty-four hours, Sunday excepted, until a complaint can be made against him for the offence, and he be taken upon a warrant issued upon such complaint.

    This section shall not apply to tenants or occupants of residential premises who, having rightfully entered said premises at the commencement of the tenancy or occupancy, remain therein after such tenancy or occupancy has been or is alleged to have been terminated. The owner or landlord of said premises may recover possession thereof only through appropriate civil proceedings.

    So, unless you can get the police to revoke the notice you were given, if they catch you there again, you are going to be in violation of the statute. All the Commonwealth will have to show is that they gave you the notice and you disregarded it. Given that, I would suggest you take the matter up with the College and/or the entity that runs the tournament. You need to get the notice you were given “quashed” (legal term) or revoked. You could, if Massachusetts provides, file a lawsuit against the College to get the notice revoked on consitutional grounds. The point is you need to do something to get that notice invalidated now; you will not be able to bring up the impropriety of the notice if you get caught on the property again.

  8. Doug (Buckin'Nutz SCN) says:

    Hey Matt, great story. I hate hearing about things like this. Many of us “graphers” run into things like this all the time because a select few give us a bad name. I’ve had a few run-ins, but this takes the cake. I really hope you try to take this public. The only time we make the news is for negative things. Would be nice to see a story were we are the good guys for once. Sounds like you had a great venue as well. Hope it all works out. Really like the site.

  9. RJK says:

    I attended this event on Monday for the first time.

    An officer came up to me in a crowd of about 20 people and said something like “I think you are doing this for profit, and I have the right as an officier of this school to remove you from the premices” I had not even ever asked for an autograph. I was just standing there with a group of about 20 people – mostly kids – and I am a middle aged man.

    I should have asked him if the school condones profiles of people, and discrimination against me. I think it is fair to treat everyone the same, just do not treat me differently. I think if you are at this event and are a kid, that is ok. But and adult, no. The same officer did not say anything when kids asked for autographs right in front of him.

    Profit. Let’s see. I wanted one Jabari Parker autograph. I took a day of vacation, dorve 3 1/2 hours each way to get to the event, gas, a ticket, lost pay. I figure right about $ 500.00 of cost. So how is that profit.

    I have said for 20 years, the only one making a profit for autographs are the ones sitting home and forging them. And that is why I get them myself, I do not trust it unless I get it in person.

    The school needs to make sure they treat all patrons equal.

  10. alex richard says:

    michelle matt hope everything is alright, after reading the article about what happen i was concerned, maybe you should call elizabeth and see what justin can do for you it sounds like pure harrassment to me,

  11. ddtjman says:

    I got little good to say about the state of Massachusetts and I’ve lived 26 of my 36 years there. Born in Weymouth, lived in Springfield for 4 years. No surprise you were treated this way. Everything has to be a hassle or rip-off in that state.

  12. RJK says:

    Forgot to mention.

    On Monday, two youths did even go out onto the end court during a game half time and approached Duke’s Coach K, for autographs. Coach K was sitting at a table right up front center. After getting their autographs, they were removed from the end court area. But, I think that was it. No ejection, no police or security swarming.

    What would have happened to you if you did that?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Thanks for the comment. I’m glad to hear they didn’t give the kids any trouble. To your point, I’m sure it would have ended differently if we had asked Coach K.

  13. James Fosterbrook says:

    You have a first amendment right to photograph. A lawyer who knows what yo do will bring several civil claims against individuals and or organizations on your behalf. Do not delay. Your civil liberties have been violated and you must rectify this situation. Beyond the civil case you can personally charge the rogue wannabe cop with criminal harassment and assault if they touched you. Not to mention the unlawful arrest if one took place. Do it and do not wait.anyone i mean anyone can bring a criminal charge at a court in MA. Its messed up in MA but thats the way it is so do it!!!!

  1. January 18, 2012

    […] escorted out, and are not welcome back for 3 years. For the long story, check out this post: Police Threaten Autograph Collectors with Arrest at Hoop Hall Classic Interested in your thoughts. Autograph University – Tips, insights and resources for […]

  2. January 19, 2012

    […] what the "questionable things" were, but hopefully you didn't have this happen to you: Police Threaten Autograph Collectors with Arrest at Hoop Hall Classic Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread « Previous Thread | Next […]

  3. January 7, 2013

    […] Police Threaten Autograph Collectors with Arrest at Hoop Hall Classic My friend and I were given notices of trespass by Springfield College Police at last year’s Hoop […]

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