The Best Time to Get MLB Autographs on Game Day

Matt Raymond

is the founder of Autograph University. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two sons. Connect with him on Twitter at @mattraymond.

77 Responses

  1. Adir Landes says:

    Which time would be the best for getting the all-stars on the team, and which time would be the least crowded.

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hey Adir – it really depends on the player. Star or not, everyone has their own routine. It’s not like hoops when you can count on the big names taking the second bus. As for the crowd, get there earlier and/or stay there later. At noon you won’t see the crowd that you will at 2pm or 3pm. And if you stick it out until midnight (or later) you may catch some guys coming back from dinner/drinks when other collectors have thrown in the towel.


  2. James says:

    Any tips for a 4:10 game time on opening day?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi James, I’d adjust the 7pm times ahead by at least 3 hours (perhaps 4 to be safe) on Opening Day as players may head to the park earlier with various festivities and to allow a bit more time to get acclimated.

      Good luck!


  3. Lauren says:

    Hi, I know its best to use a blue ballpoint pen when getting OMLB’s signed. Do you have a preference on the brand/type of blue pen that you would recommend?

  4. Jay says:

    So I’m doing my first official mlb autographing tomorrow in chicago vs boston. What time would u say the away teams buses would for sure be gone from the hotel? I’ve done nba & know the last bus is for sure gone by 2 hours before the game. Just trying 2 get an idea for the mlb teams. I am aware some players leave earlier in taxis or personal cars just trying 2 get a good idea thanks


  5. Phil says:

    Have the opportunity to Graph the Yankees today and tomorrow in chicago, wish me luck

  6. Hunter says:

    Do you know where or if players sign entering Safeco Field in Seattle?

  7. Tom says:

    What time is a good time to graph at the hotel before players leave for a 1 o clock game or a 7 o clock game? Also where do I find out where visiting teams stay in NY?

  8. Jacob Grossman says:

    Hi Matt just wondering if you know where teams stay playing in NY and where the nba draft prospects are staying.
    Thanks, Jacob

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Jacob, I don’t have that information. My advice is to get out there and network with local graphers. That is valuable info so you need to build relationships. Start by going to publicized signings – for example, they’re doing a bunch of signings in Times Square with the draftees.


      • Jacob Grossman says:

        Thanks I actually did my first graphing at the Braves mets game last night and got Justin Upton on a romlb with the sweet spot jacket. I also got craig kimbrel and Jason Heyward on photos. I am going to the game tomorrow night and wanted to ask you if I get bj upton should I get it on the same ball modifying the sweet spot jacket so he had to sign on the top panel or get it on a different ball. Thanks jacob

  9. Zach C says:

    Hey I was wondering if you had any specific tips on getting autographs in Philly. They are playing the Giants tom and I don’t know what to get to get signed any ideas and where I could find them. Thanks and go Giants!

  10. Jacob Grossman says:

    Just wondering what time to be at the hotel for a 12:10 game.
    Thanks, Jacob

  11. Joseph says:

    I want to autograph the tigers in two weeks when they are playing the yankees. What time would u suggest I get to the hotel for a 7:05 game. I want the best chance to get the stars ?

  12. Paul Bartosz says:

    Have you ever had success with a team when their flight comes in at the airport? I have some team planes’ tail numbers and was wondering if that would be beneficial.

  13. Justo says:

    Hi Matt. I was wondering of you can give me any tips. Like where to stand? Anything to look at for? Do they sign inside the lobby?

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Hi Justo,

      Every hotel layout and level of security is different. That said, your best bet is probably on the sidewalk between the hotel entrance and the bus. You’re out of range from hotel security – for the most part – and you still have time to get the graphs.


  14. stephen says:

    I have tickets to Jeter’s last ever game. It will be in Fenway. I know there will be tons of people trying to get his autograph so the adds are against me. Any suggestions for pregame? I wont go to the hotel I will be at the field as early as i need to be. First pitch is at 1:35. I will be in the stadium at 11:30am. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    • Matt Raymond says:

      Cool opportunity, Stephen. I think you just have to prepare as well as possible – get down to the field ASAP and try to make your arms as long as possible 🙂 I’d probably go with a ball as an item. It’s going to be a madhouse – let us know how you do. And even if you don’t get a graph, enjoy the moment (and that’s coming from a Red Sox fan).


  15. Luke says:

    What time should I get to the park for a 7:15 game at AT&T park?

  16. Max says:

    Hi, the braves last game is today and they have an off day tomorrow and they play the mets the day after. What time would they get to the hotel and what day.

  17. Andrew Shepherd says:

    Hey I will be graphing the MiLB Nashville Sounds on Friday. Any pointers on getting game used items? thank you!

  18. james says:

    Just curious as to how I can find out team hotel info or flight info (i’m assuming they are private flights, not listed)? I live in KC and little brother is huge Red Sox fan, trying to get pedrioa’s autograph. have tried the ballpark route the past few years with no luck. any advice would be great.

  19. Dino Montano says:

    I’m going to a signing next week for a MLB player. I have a phot I want to get signed. I notice at the ballparks other Graphers have their photo on a cardboard like with tape on the edges.. I’m assuming so it prevents from bending. How should I prep my photo n what materials should u use to do it.?

  20. Mike says:

    Hey Matt-
    I’m wondering when the best time to graph is. Before the game, at the hotel. Or after, at the exit of the stadium?

  21. Zach says:

    Hi Matt,
    What is the best place to stand at Fenway for visiting teams autographs?

  22. James rapone says:

    How can you find out what hotel so the visiting MLB teams stay at?

  23. Adam Cook says:

    Hey Matt,
    There are a few Sports Illustrated magazines I have that feature some Royals players that I’d love to get signed by them. I just don’t know how to store the magazine(s) once they get signed, or even before they get signed. Do I keep the magazine or do I just take out the cover and place it over something hard like cardboard? Thanks for any help!

  24. Ryan says:

    What is the best strategy for getting the home team at the ball park

  25. Sam says:

    Hey Matt,
    I go to a handful of games at Fenway a year and always love to get autographs. Where is the best spot to get Sox autographs and visiting players’ autogrpahs? Also, do you know if any players who are shagging fly balls during BP will sign then?

  26. James says:

    I am going to be in Boston Labor Day weekend. Would ideally like to get some Red Sox auto’s on Sunday September 6th (1:30game time). May or may not go to the game. I’ve read your article. Not interested in Phillies. I hear there is three players entrances. The players parking lot looks so well shielded that it doesn’t seem doable. If you can say what you feel is best bet, what would it be?

  27. Raymond says:

    hey matt
    im going to the bulls vs mavs preseason game in lincoln nebraska oct 23rd whats the best time to get pics with stars should i try the airport when they arrive if so what time would that be or should i try to find the hotel there staying at and if so what hotel would that be

  28. Cale says:

    How would you recommend getting the Royals in 2016 because they just won the World Series?

  29. Cale says:

    Me again, so i’m hoping I can get Lorenzo Cain, Mike Moustakas, Salvador Perez, Eric Hosmer, and Wade Davis. Mainly because these players are nice. Not saying anything mean.

  30. Hey Matt I will be attending spring training this year for the SF Giants March 17 th .I know February is better for autographs but is March still good and on days they play at night do they practice during the day? Or is it like a regular game day where your only chance is a few hours before the game? Thx for your feedback

  31. Tyler Sladick says:

    Hello, Im kinda new to this stuff and was wondering where and how you figure out where the team hotels are for the visiting teams? I would love if you could get back to me… thanks!

  32. Ben says:

    Where do the Padres Players exit petco park

  33. Ryan says:

    Do you happen to know where the angels could possibly be staying in July during their Boston trip ?? It’s going to be our first trip from California to Boston. What suggestions you have for autographs ? Thank You So Much.

    • David Cartwright says:

      I have been to an angels@d backs game and almost got Mike Trout’s autograph. What I learned is that right after warm ups, trout will sign right next to the dugout and will only sign a few things. So, you should stand in the front row, be right next to the dugout, and yell for him as loud as you can. Good luck.

  34. Ben stavar says:

    Jeff is u bame

  35. Eli says:

    Hi! I’m going to the Indians @ Astros tonight which starts at 7:10 p.m. I am hoping to get pregame autographs from Kluber, Lindor, and Carrasco. What time do you recommend I arrive at Minute Maid to get those autographs?

  36. Garrett says:

    Going to try my first baseball game any tips for White sox at Indians? 3 game series hope to do both teams

  37. Grapher25 says:

    Hi Matt I’m taking my son to the home run derby in SD @ petco park it starts at 5 pm and they have a all star red carpet show at 12 pm do you think the players leave to the stadium a lil later cuz it’s not a real game or they still leave hours before and do you have any tips about where they enter at petco park. Would I have a better chance waiting at the hotel or outside of petco park to get a autograph any help would be appreciate thanks Matt

  38. Ian says:

    Not a proffesional autograph seeker! Taking my son, a NYM fan to see them play the Nationals in DC next week. His dream is to meet Matt Harvey and Yoenis Cespedes. I don’t want to let him down. Can you tell me where they stay while in DC.

  39. David Cartwright says:

    I am going to the astros vs mariners game at minute maid park. I really want jose altuve, Carlos Correa, and George Springer’s autograph but mostly I want Correa’s autograph. The only time I can be there for autographs is right after warm ups/right before the game. Where exactly do you think I should stand to get Correa’s autograph and how should I get the others to sign my ball. Lastly, I have a rawlings r8u baseball do you think I could use for getting a signature with a black autograph pen( it’s basically a sharpie)

  40. stacie says:

    I’m going to see the RedSox play the Angels on the 29th and want to get a signature from Ortiz. Do you know if the visiting team uses the same entrance as the home team at Anaheim Stadium?

  41. Ty says:

    I got Ichiro’s autograph at a Yankees game but sadly he held the marker like a chopstick and barely made an imprint on the hat. It’s barely visible and I’ve considered going over it again, should I?

  42. Reed says:

    What time should i get to the ball park for autographs

  43. MATT says:

    I’m traveling to Boston this year for a game. Wherected is the best place I can land an autograph of a red sox player? Any secrets you can fill me in on?

  44. Hung Bear says:

    Ever get any porn stars autographs?

  45. Michael says:

    How do I get a autograph in Yankee stadium for a 1:00 game? What time should I be at the stadium at? Do you recommend any types of seats?

  46. Benjamin Chin says:

    I live in Newton,MA. I was wondering how I could get a autograph from a Boston Red Sox player.

  47. Dawn says:

    How do you find out where the teams stay?

  48. Bryan says:

    I want to get the Mets when they’re in town in Philly. I know they stay at the Westin. What time should I get there on gameday and any recommendations on where to stand?

  49. Landon says:

    hi, I was wondering if there is a specific way to know what hotel the players are staying at?

  1. March 16, 2016

    […] What is the best way to get autographs at the ballpark? Basketball arena? The Best Time to Get MLB Autographs on Game Day […]

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